Right then..
In a previous post, I’ve listed many areas that I feel I lack in. I think it is good to admit what you are weak at, need help to improve or just simply suck at no matter how hard you try.
Turns out, I’m not alone.
It has been good to hear from a few people since my Imposter Syndrome post, and they asked me for a chat. I’ve helped with getting them to sell their services for the right price, how to create gallery images and sell their pictures through to pricing up projects and creating a client mood board.
Turns out, I really enjoy helping. Who knew! I thought I was just a cranky, opinionated shit (which I think I am) but some of my experiences have helped. Its a good thing. I have had help in my life and it isn’t always as easy as doing a google search.
People deal with people and if we can help each other out along the way, then that’s a good thing.
So, I’m going to be doing a few more things. I may live to regret this though.
An ebook.
Yep, actual words on stuff.
I’m not some hugely successful guy by whatever means you wish to use as a measure, but I’ve learnt a ton of stuff. I’ve done some great things and I’ve also done a ton of failures. They do go hand in hand I’m afraid. As the saying goes about learning to fly, the clouds teach you nothing but the earth teaches you a lot.
I’ll be doing this in an open way too. I’ll share the building of the book, the chapters, the lessons and eventually the release. It will also include some sage advice from long term visionaries in all manner of creative industries. That way, you won’t just need to put up with my tone of voice, but it will help you understand that as with the human race as a whole, we’re all in this together.
And more frighteningly, I’ll be doing a few video’s too. Yep, my fat middle-aged mug and awful speaking voice will be hitting this site too.
Don’t worry, these are not tutorials but helpful short cuts and links to resources that can help you. From location scouting to post production techniques, design tips to sales tips, this will be my take on where you can better channel your energy.
I’ve been hired and rejected by the best in the business so this will be where I come clean about the highs, the lows, the wins and the fuck ups.
It won’t all be about cars and people.
I wrote here a while ago that I’ve tried, and failed, at landscape photography. It can be a slow photographic practice that I struggle to have the patience for. But, in February, I moved. I’m now located in the spectacularly beautiful and picturesque Lake District.
I travelled here a few years ago with a supremely talented photographer, Ian Badley, and came away convinced that I was metaphorically at the bottom of a very large mountain in terms of both portfolio and experience.
I was right.
However, I feel that I need to try harder. In between regular work and commissions, I will be heading out. I need to walk the fells, the footpaths and lake shores to ‘see’ exactly what it looks like. Previously, I’ve been guilty of seeing others and thinking, ‘that’s what I must do’.
You see a shot and think, ‘I can do that.’ So you go out and try and get that shot. But why? It’s been done. By someone else. So why go get that and be in competition? The competition is only yourself. The judge is only yourself too. So, I’m sucking it up and heading out.
There will be walks, wrong place right time, right place, wrong lens. All of this, I will share.
I hope it will be the right mix of fun, entertainment, failure and success across all of these ideas and that in some small way, it will help you as much as it will help me.
If you think this might be a fun thing to be part of, sign up below and I’ll keep you posted. Good, bad, warts and all.
Here goes…
“Share your ideas with other people and make something new”
- Colin Greenwood, Radiohead