In 2016, my wife Jo, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Late in 2021, we were finally able to close the book on a five year journey that would not have been possible without the support of many people we will never know. To say thank you, all prints sold from this gallery will have the profit donated to Cancer Research.
My 1000th post on Instagram highlighted the story of our last five years and the aim is to raise £1,000.00 for the amazing life saving science that, had they not performed, Jo would no longer be here.
The title of the project is in reference to the salvation and solace we sought by visiting the Isle of Skye in Scotland while struggling to understand everything. It has been a magical place for us with many memories made and many more hopefully to come.
To you who purchase anything here or make any kind of donation, I say the same as I say to everyone who has kept my wife alive every day.
Thank you.