Wake me up

Wake me up

WHEN SEPTEMBER ENDS September 2020. The pandemic lockdowns lifted and we ran out to work, metaphorically making hay while the sun shone. It was a barmy hot day and it was going to be a long day. Hampton Court Palace was hosting the London Concours show and I had a few...
Choose Life

Choose Life

INSTAWHO? WhatalottaTok Remember when Instagram was fun? It seems like forever ago that I posted my first picture to Instagram. A Porsche 918 blatting down the pit straight at Goodwood on a track day. I was doing nothing more than panning practice. It was a lovely...
North of the border

North of the border

REACH FOR THE SKYE Can we go out to play yet? January dragged its heels while February didn’t hang around at all. It was March about three days ago and now its May. I’m behind on posts, ahead on work and indifferent on pretty much all news. Nature is back...


Right then.. In a previous post, I’ve listed many areas that I feel I lack in. I think it is good to admit what you are weak at, need help to improve or just simply suck at no matter how hard you try. Turns out, I’m not alone. It has been good to hear from...
The Smoke

The Smoke

DON’T GET IT WET! Erm… Last year, the Lotus Evija was taken to the Duke of London in Brentford for a day to spend time with influencers and content producers. The following day, we were then taking it to some real world locations for some real images and...